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Books & Resources


Living Intentionally

Learning to see who we are in relation to our Creator enables us to pursue holiness. More than self-help tips, this is an exploration into each person's divine blueprint. When we see ourselves as we have been created to be, we can fulfill the purpose for which we were created. 


Available on Amazon.


One Woman's Journey

We are all on a journey through this life, and we all experience highs and lows. Sometimes that journey can feel isolating, but in sharing our stories with one another, we can be buoyed. We find connection and come to know that we are all much more alike than we are different. Enjoy this 30-day book of reflections from one woman to another.

Available on Amazon.


Encounters with Jesus

Through the well-known encounters in the gospels, come to discover new ways in which Jesus may be calling to you. As you read about these seven women and how they were transformed by Jesus, you may find new invitations for your own healing.


Available on Amazon (print edition only).


State of the "Union"

Discover how to deal with the "business" of being married- running a household, caring for children- with intentional prayer and action steps so that the sacredness of being married has time and room to flourish. This workbook helps married couples prayerfully navigate the logistical challenges of daily life from the state of the finances, to the state of the children, to the state of the home and much more. Rekindle the intimacy as you build your life together.  


Available on Amazon (print edition only).

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