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Foundational Friendship

Friendship is an invaluable part of our lives.  Never underestimate the value of good friends.

My dear friend came over to visit today.  We haven’t seen each other for almost three months and there is always so much to catch up on.  Just relaying the day to-day details took over an hour!  She fills my heart, not because of anything in particular that we said, but just being in the presence of a beautiful soul strengthens me and brings me great joy!

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me. ~Henry Ford

When we attempt to walk alone, we never reach our full potential because it is through the journeying with others that we stretch and grow.

Friendship allows us to compound our joys and divide our sorrows which makes the journey both exponentially more joyful and at the same time less painful. Our friendships become the backbone of our lives. John Maxwell, world renown speaker and author writes about our inner circle, that group of people we choose to share life with. We interact with many different groups of people that include our families, our co-workers, our network of professional advisers, our cheer leaders, and even our critics. However, we must be intentional about who we allow in our inner circle. Just because we work with someone everyday, we do not need to give them a seat at the table.

Jim Rohn says, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

I don’t know about you, but if that is the case, I want to be pretty intentional about who those people are! I want to help other people become their best selves, but I also want to find others who will challenge me to become better.  I want to be surrounded by happy, peaceful, joy-filled, and inspirational people and then strive to rise to their level of living.

If you are looking for a better future or a better you in the future, perhaps try taking a look at your relationships and make some changes about the people with whom you spend the most time. Do they challenge and inspire you? If not, maybe it is time to start finding some new people to hang out with. I’m not saying we cast people aside, but we do need to be aware of our surroundings and how what we do and say, as well as what others around us do and say, impacts who we will become.

“You can do what I cannot do.  I can do what you cannot do.  Together, we can do great things.” ~Mother Teresa

“A leader’s potential is determined by the people closest to him.” ~John Maxwell

Who are you becoming? Take a look at your inner circle and you will get a pretty close idea. I challenge you today to seek out someone who can do something that you cannot and invite him or her to lunch. Ask how you might serve him; in what way you might add value to her. Seek to serve first and surround yourself with incredible people. The value of relationships is immeasurable. 

I am beyond grateful for mine!

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Laryn, this is wonderful. I feel so blessed to be in your circle.

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